July 2013

Throughout the month: LES JEUDIS DU PIN – A chance to see the stallions, mares, foals and distinctive black and red carriages at Le Haras du Pin in St. Lô every Thursday.

Until 10th: LES POLYPHOLIAS – A festival celebrating choral singing, with choirs from around the world.

Until 15th: LES VIREVOLTÉS – An annual, free street festival held in Vire with a diverse program that includes theatre, music and circus performances.

3-7th: FESTIVAL SORTIES DE BAIN – A family friendly arts festival held on the streets of Granville with over 100 free performances given, including theatre, dance and circus acts.

5-7th: FESTIVAL BEAUREGARD – An annual pop-rock music festival held in the grounds of a castle and attracting an international line-up.

6-7th: FÊTES MÉDIÉVALES – Medieval themed festival in Bayeux including reconstructions and a costume parade.

From 9th: LES MUSICALES DE NORMANDIE – Classical concerts held at six heritage sites across Normandy, with artists from France and the UK.

From 11th: NIGHT TOURS AT MONT ST MICHEL – Held every evening except Sundays, tours of the abbey start at 7pm and are enhanced by music and lighting.

14th: BASTILLE DAY (Public Holiday) – Celebrated throughout France, there is a huge fireworks display in the historic port of Granville, just 15 minutes drive from St Martin de Bréhal. Prior to the fireworks there will be a free concert with classical, jazz and other music held on the Pointe Du Roc above the port.

15-21st: FESTIVAL RECONTRE DES CULTURES – Music festival with performances around La Manche.

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